Flooding Caused Cape Town Boat Accident

A report released by the South African Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA) today following the agency’s investigation of last week’s Miroshga accident in Hout Bay cites flooding and unseaworthiness as the cause of the tragic incident, which took the lives ofRead More

Increased Hazard Report Regulations For Offshore Drillers

Offshore drilling companies will now have to provide comprehensive hazard reports and emergency contingency plans before they will be eligible to receive a license for offshore drilling in European waters, after a new bill was approved by the EU EnergyRead More

Authorities Release New Video To Prevent Accidents on Barrier Reef

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) has released a new video to be screened on the Great Barrier Reef and Torres Strait Vessel Traffic Service (REEFVTS), which is currently being shown on the AMSA website, as well as on theRead More

Investigation Into Qian Chi Explosion Complete

The accident report for the explosion of the Qian Chi, a commercial vessel, in Brisbane Australia in January 2011 has been released. The report shows that it was a simple oversight that contributed to the explosion, rather than the complicatedRead More

Two Die After Boat Capsizes in Cape Town, South Africa

A British man and a South African crew member have been killed after their boat capsized while on a seal watching trip in Cape Town, South Africa, confirmed local officials. The British man has been identified as Peter Hyett, 64,Read More

Dozens Killed In Hong Kong Ferry Crash

38 holiday makers were killed and scores more injured on Monday night when a ferry collided with a charter boat in Hong Kong and sank. The charter boat, the Lamma IV, is owned by the Hong Kong Electric Co. andRead More

Hurricane Nadine Threatens Vessels in the Atlantic

The US National Hurricane Center has issued a warning that tropical storm Nadine is likely to become a hurricane as it traverses the central Atlantic, threatening vessels moored offshore. Weather forecasters have predicted that Nadine will not pose any riskRead More

Man Killed in Tangier Island Boating Accident

A man from Pittsville, Wisconsin has died and a friend of his injured after their boat capsized in Tangier Island in Chesapeake Bay, Virginia on Friday. According to John Bull, spokesperson for the Virginia Marine Resources Commission, 37 year oldRead More

Most Common Maritime Accidents

Any form of transportation comes with the risk of an accident, and offshore vessels are no exception. Often maritime accidents are more serious than other transport accidents because of the multiple factors involved – vessel malfunction, human error and dangerousRead More

Oil Industry Reforms May Be Too Little Too Late

Regulatory bodies are looking to institute new legislation to reform the offshore oil drilling industry, but many experts in the field are worried that the new measures may be too little, too late. The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, RegulationRead More


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